Application with appsettings.json

Greetings from the ASP.NET Core configuration management realm! We’ll go into the capabilities of appsettings.json, the go-to file for modifying your application’s behavior in various circumstances, in this developer-focused tutorial. Come along as we delve into the details of configuring your application for Development (DEV), Production (PROD), and other scenarios. 1. Using appsettings.json to set…

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ASP.NET Tutorial : Implementing API Gateway Authentication With YARP in .NET

API gateways offer a solitary point of entry for clients. This guarantees the security of your distributed system or microservices and simplifies their interactions with it. Authentication is a crucial component of API gateways, making sure that only apps and people with permission may access your important data and resources. In this newsletter, we’ll look…

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ASP.NET Tutorial : Enhancing Error Logging with SeriLog .NET

For the purpose of maintaining and troubleshooting applications, logging errors and information is essential. In this post, we’ll look at how to use MySeriLogProject, a logging package that helps your applications run more reliably and gracefully handle errors, to improve error logging. We’ll go over the significance of error handling, present MySeriLogProject, and show you…

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