How to Automate SharePoint Site Creation with PowerShell and PnP?

It might be difficult to create new SharePoint sites while keeping the same style and feel. Fortunately, we can automate the process of backing up a site template and transferring it to a new site using PowerShell and the PnP (Patterns and Practices) framework. You will be guided through the required steps by this blog article.

Required conditions

Make sure you have the following before you start.

the PnP PowerShell module for SharePoint Online Management Shell is installed
The right authorization to access the admin center and SharePoint site

1. Make a site template backup

Connecting to the source site and making a backup of its template are the first steps.

# Source Site URL input
$SourceSiteURL = Read-Host "Enter Source Site URL"

# Path to XML file
$SchmaXMLPath = "SiteSchema.xml"

# Connect to PnP Online to take template backup
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SourceSiteURL -Interactive

# Get Site Schema and save to file
Get-PnPSiteTemplate -Out $SchmaXMLPath -PersistBrandingFiles -PersistPublishingFiles

This script prompts for the source site URL, connects to it, and exports the site’s schema to an XML file named SiteSchema.xml. It also includes branding and publishing files in the backup.

2. Connect to the Admin Center

Next, you need to connect to the SharePoint Admin Center to create a new site.

# Take Admin center URL as input
$AdminCenterURL = Read-Host "Enter Admin Center URL"

# Connect to admin center
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $AdminCenterURL -Interactive

3. Create the New Site

Now, create a new SharePoint site with the specified details.

# Variables
$SiteName = Read-Host "Enter New Site Name"
$SiteURL = Read-Host "Enter New Site URL"
$SiteDescription = Read-Host "Enter New Site Description"
# Create new site
$NewWeb = New-PnPSite -Title $SiteName -Url $SiteURL -Description $SiteDescription -Type CommunicationSite

This script prompts for the new site’s name, URL, and description, and then creates a new communication site with those details.

4. Apply the Backup Template to the New Site

Finally, connect to the newly created site and apply the backup template.

# Connect to PnP Online to destination site
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive
# Apply PnP Provisioning Template
Invoke-PnPSiteTemplate -Path $SchmaXMLPath -ClearNavigation

This script connects to the new site and applies the previously saved template, ensuring the new site has the same configuration as the source site.


Using this PowerShell script, you can easily back up a SharePoint site template and apply it to a new site. This ensures consistency across your SharePoint environment and saves time in setting up new sites. Remember to run these scripts with appropriate permissions and verify the applied template to ensure all customizations are in place.

If you have any questions or run into issues, feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy SharePoint site creation!

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