How to Fixing Spelling Checker is Broken in Umbraco 7.2.8?

We had reports from our users that the spelling checker in the Umbraco 7.2.8 back-office had stopped working in rich text editor windows. Umbraco 7.2.8 is an open source ASP.NET-based content management system, with a beautiful, user-friendly interface, full support for your own .NET controls, and no limits to your designs. With an integrated WYSIWYG editor and full support for web standards, this fully stocked application will make designing and managing websites a joy. Umbraco has integrated with familiar tools such as Microsoft WordTM, to allow you to write content or edit your website pages directly from within Word. You can even work off-line, without even opening up a browser.

On investigation, it appears that TinyMCE (the client-side plugin Umbraco uses for text editing) used a free spelling checker API provided by Google.  And sadly, Google have force the plug!

There are several third party solutions to the problem, however by the far the simplest solution is just to enable browser based spell checking within the TinyMCE config.

To do this, edit the file config/tinyMceConfig.config, and add a new entry to the <customConfig> section:

<config key="browser_spellcheck">true</config>

At a similar time, you’ll delete (or comment out) other config items within the same file relating to the spelling checker (this can take away the defunct icon from the ribbon bar).

After you have got created the modification, you will need to recycle the app pool (eg. save the web.config file) to cause the Umbraco web application to restart.

Now, any browser that has an built-in spelling checker can highlight misspelled words with a red underline, just like before.

Umbraco 7.2.8 Hosting Recommendation

There are a few hosts that specialize in Windows and ASP.NET hosting. Our team has reviewed and used over 100 hosting companies. So we have hand picked the best discount Umbraco 7.2.8 Hosting. HostForLIFEASP.NET is awarded the Best Umbraco 7.2.8 Hosting Recommendation with IIS 8.5 Support start from Є3.00/month. HostForLIFEASP.NET Umbraco 7.2.8 hosting is configured on latest technologies that comes with latest security fixes. HostForLIFEASP.NET optimized the server with the best configuration for the shared web hosting. They provide cheap, best and instant activation on your Umbraco 7.2.8 hosting account once you install.

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