Redis as Primary Database in .NET 8 Web API

I’ll go over Redis in this post along with some use cases for utilizing it as our primary database.

  • Overview of Redis
  • Redis Datatypes
  • Pros and drawbacks of Redis database use
  • Redis setup in a container using the.NET 8 Web API and Redis as the primary database.


  • Visual Code
  • .NET 8 SDK
  • Redis Desktop Manager. You can download it from the URL(
  • Docker Desktop
  • Packages
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.stackExchangeRedis
    • StackExchange.Redis

Introduction to Redis

Redis is mostly utilized for the caching layer and is an in-memory, key-value datastore. Redis’s in-memory data storage makes it possible for extremely quick read and write operations, making it ideal for low-latency data access. You may wonder why we lose data when the machine reboots when Redis saves the data in memory.

Redis offers several solutions, including append-only files (AOF) and snapshots, to address the problem of data persistence. With the help of these techniques, you can keep the data on disk permanently, guaranteeing its recovery even in the event of a system reboot.

Redis is mostly used as a cache layer, but it can also be utilized as a database to cut down on the number of calls to intricate database systems. Redis stores data as documents, primarily in JSON format, utilizing the Document Database Model.

Redis Datatypes

Redis provides a handful of data types that allow us to solve problems from caching, queuing, and event processing.

  • Strings: representing a sequence of bytes
  • Lists – Lists of strings
  • Sets – Unordered collection of unique string
  • Hashes – record types modeled as collections of field-value pairs

Pro’s of using Redis as DB

  • High Performance
  • Versatile DataStructure
  • Low Latency
  • Scalability

Con’s of using Redis as DB

  • Data Durability
  • Limited Query Capabilities
  • Memory Constraints

Setting up Redis in a Container

Make sure that, Docker Desktop is running and open Visual Studio 2022.

Choose “Create a New Project” –> Click the “ASP.NET Core Web API” and then click “Next”.

Press “next” after entering the Project name on the Configure page.

Select the information based on the screenshot on the Additional information page, then click “Create”.

Now, Create “docker-compose.yaml” file to hold the configuration for our Redis and paste the below code.

version: '3.8'
    image: redis:alpine
    container_name: redisStudentAPI
      - 6379:6379

After that, open the Developer Powershell prompt from the Tools -> Command line -> Developer Powershell. Then navigate inside the Project folder and enter the command to run the YAML file “docker compose up -d”

When you launch the Docker desktop and select Containers from the menu, the container that was made using the YAML file will be visible. ‘docker ps’ can also be used to view the containers that are currently operating.

To interact with the Redis Server, you need to run the below command with the container ID.

docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/sh

The basic setup of Docker is done and we can able to interact with Redis via the command line.

Now, we are going to see more about the string data types because we are going to store the key, and value pair as strings


It’s the simplest type of value to be associated with a key and a one-to-one mapping between key & value.

We can set the value using the Set<key> <value> and also get the using GET <key>

You can also delete the key using the Del <key>

Now, you need to install the necessary packages from the NuGet Package Manager.

Add the configuration in the Program.cs files


builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(options =>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IStudentRepository, StudentRepository>();

Create a Models Folder and Create a file for our Model Student.cs then paste the code.


namespace StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Models
    public class Student
        public string Id { get; set; } = $"student:{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
        public required string StudentName { get; set; } = string.Empty;


Then copy and Paste the below code on the Respection files.


using StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Models;

namespace StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Data
    public interface IStudentRepository
        IEnumerable<Student> GetAllStudents();
        Student? GetStudentById(string id);
        void AddStudent(Student student);
        Student? UpdateStudent(Student student);
        Student? DeleteStudent(string id);

StudentRepository.cs is the implementation of the IStudentRespository.cs interface and all its methods.

using StackExchange.Redis;
using StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Models;
using System.Text.Json;

namespace StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Data
    public class StudentRepository : IStudentRepository
        private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;
        public StudentRepository(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
            _redis = redis;
        public void AddStudent(Student student)
            if(student == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(student));
            var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
            var serializedStudent = JsonSerializer.Serialize(student);
            db.StringSet(student.Id, serializedStudent);

        public Student? DeleteStudent(string id)
            var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
            var student = db.StringGet(id);
            if (student.IsNullOrEmpty)
                return null;
            return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Student>(student);

        public IEnumerable<Student> GetAllStudents()
            var db = _redis.GetDatabase();

            var studentKeys = db.Multiplexer.GetServer(_redis.GetEndPoints().First()).Keys(pattern: "student:*");

            var students = new List<Student>();

            foreach (var key in studentKeys)
                var studentJson = db.StringGet(key);
                if (!studentJson.IsNullOrEmpty)
                    var student = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Student>(studentJson);

            return students;

        public Student? GetStudentById(string id)
            var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
            var student = db.StringGet(id);
                return null;
            return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Student>(student);

        public Student UpdateStudent(Student student)
            var db = _redis.GetDatabase();

            var id = student.Id;
            if (db.KeyExists(id))
                var updatedStudentJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(student);
                db.StringSet(id, updatedStudentJson);
                return student;
                return null;


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Data;
using StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Models;

namespace StudentAPIWithRedisDB.Controllers
    public class StudentsController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IStudentRepository _studentRepository;

        public StudentsController(IStudentRepository studentRepository)
            _studentRepository = studentRepository;

        [HttpGet("{Id}", Name = "GetStudentById")]
        public ActionResult<Student> GetStudentById(string Id)
            var student = _studentRepository.GetStudentById(Id);

            if(student == null)
                return NotFound();
            return Ok(student);

        public ActionResult<Student> AddStudent(Student student)
            return CreatedAtRoute(nameof(GetStudentById), new { Id = student.Id }, student);

        [HttpGet(Name = "GetAllStudents")]
        public ActionResult<Student> GetAllStudents()
            var students = _studentRepository.GetAllStudents();
            return Ok(students);

        public ActionResult<Student> DeleteStudent(string id)
            var student = _studentRepository.DeleteStudent(id);
            if(student == null)
                return NotFound();
            return Ok(student);

        public ActionResult<Student> UpdateStudent(Student student)
            var studentToUpdate = _studentRepository.GetStudentById(student.Id);
            if(studentToUpdate == null)
                return NotFound();
            return NoContent();

Now, run the application you can able to see the endpoints showing on the browser using Swagger.

Also, it would help if you opened the Redis Desktop Manager to see the data. Initially, it’ll have 16 databases without any data.

Once, you hit the create endpoint it’ll automatically create a record in the DB0.


For easy testing purposes, I have used the Postman to test the endpoints.

Pass the name only, then it’ll automatically create an ID with the name of the student and the suffix with the new Guid

And the document is created on the DB0.


For this, you need to copy the ID from the document. Then pass it on the request URL and it returns the value based on the ID.


It returns all the documents available in the Database.


You need to pass the ID and the updated value. So that, it’ll update based on the ID.

Once, you refresh the manager then you’ll see the updated value.


For deleting a user, kindly pass the ID, then it’ll remove the document from the Student DB.

And the document is deleted from the file.

Previously, I had the two documents on the Student’s table but now the first one is deleted.

That’ll this is a simple way of showing the usage of Redis as a Database in our application. Here, we have reduced the Cache and stored the data directly to the Redis and also retrieved and made changes to it. Likewise, you can also apply the same to your application.

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